Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tara Interviews Tigger from Daryl Wood Gerber's Cookbook Nook Mystery Series

Meow! Hey everybody, it's Tara! Check out the little cutie that I'm interviewing's Tigger, the kitten star of Daryl Wood Gerber's Cookbook Nook Mysteries. The first book in the series, Final Sentence, is on shelves today! Make sure you leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Final Sentence (US only, ends July 6th).

Tara: Tigger, how did you come to live with Jenna?

Tigger: One moment I was on the truck with my mom and my brothers, and then, bam, I fell off. I try not to think about it. I'm pretty sure my mother yelled for me. I yelled for her. It hurt to hit the pavement. But I survived. You move on, right? I’m scrappy. Chin up. Ears alert. I ended up in Crystal Cove. I love the ocean. The smell of salt. The breeze. The feel of sand beneath my paws. It’s so cool. When I ventured into Jenna’s shop, I was simply looking for a free meal and perhaps a hug or two. She saw me and picked me up. Cuddled me hard. Rubbed her nose against mine. That’s when I knew we were meant to be together. Forever.  
Sure, I did all I could to win her over. A twist, a raise of my tail. It didn’t take much. I’m cute, what can I say? 
Tara: What is your day typically like? 

Tigger: Jenna and I live together in this one-room cottage. Her aunt owns it. She has a house right next door. It’s on the beach. I wake up, I stretch, I eat. I go with Jenna to The Cookbook Nook, and I play with the customers that come in. I take naps—I need a lot of them—in the stockroom. Jenna got me this really cute bed with pictures of paw prints on the fabric. On days off, Jenna and I go to the beach and she paints. She used to work in advertising, but now she runs The Cookbook Nook and café, so she only does creative stuff like painting and sculpting on days off. She bought this cool—I mean, cool as in air-conditioned—cage for me to rest in at the beach. I like that a lot. I’m not big on the cage part of it, but if it gets me outdoors, it’s fine. At night, Jenna tries her hand at cooking. She’s learning. She’s burned a few things. But some things are really tasty. So I make it my mission to beg for treats. She’s pretty strict about not giving me too many. I get good food. Organic stuff. I like to roam the cottage and explore, too.   
Tara: What kind of mischief do you get into in Final Sentence?  

Tigger: There’s this cabinet Jenna has. I don’t know where she got it. On top, there’s this cat. Sort of different looking. There’s something up with it. It’s all shiny and yellow, and it doesn’t move. Jenna has told me it’s not real; it’s a statue. Sometimes I feel like the cat is looking straight at me. Daring me. So I leap up there and stalk it and stare it down. There’s something wrong with that cat. You know what I mean? 
Tara: What's next for you and Jenna? 

Well, I’m pretty sure we’re bonded at the hip, so I’m with her forever. I’m not leaving. I’d like to see my family again, but I don’t know how to arrange that, you know? I think she’s interested in this man. He likes cats, so it’s cool. I like him. He’s gentle. I think there’s another four-footed friend in his life. I don’t think it’s a cat. I can’t be sure. It might be a dog because I’ve met a few dogs and he sort of smells like that. Some of the customers come into the store with dogs on leashes. I like the little ones that like to play tag. The barking ones I can take or leave. They can’t get pretty loud. I’ve got sensitive ears, you know? 

Tara: Can you tell me a few of your favorite things? 
Soft blanket on the couch or sunny window?  

Tigger: Like I said, there’s my cat bed that’s really comfy. And then there’s the air-conditioned cage for the beach. I feel safe inside, so it’s good because it means I get to go more places with Jenna. She also slips me into her purse or the basket on her bicycle when we’re going on adventures. I like getting tucked in. And then there’s this nook in the cottage with windows that offers a view of the ocean? That’s my favorite spot. The sun shines in late in the afternoon.  A touch of heaven. 

Tara: Neck scratches or tummy rubs? 

Tigger: I like neck scratches better than tummy rubs. There’s something about looking up into Jenna’s eyes when she’s scratching my neck that makes me feel special. And she seems to like it as much as I do. She’s always smiling. 

Tara: Wet food or dry? 

Tigger: Wet food, definitely. Tuna. Unless it’s a nip of a cookie fresh from the oven. Then dry. Warm. Sweet. Don’t tell the vet, okay? 

Tara: Catnip mouse or laser light? 

Tigger: Ha. What do you think? Laser light? I’m always up for a chase. 

Tara: Finally, to turn the tables a bit, you're such a teeny tiny kitten and I'm a mature lady in her there anything you'd like to ask me about living a cat's life? I'm always happy to help out the younger generation :) 

Tigger: Yes, I’m small, but I’ll grow, I think. My brothers were all about the same size as me. That’s pretty typical, right? But yes, could you tell me, do you think I’ll see my mom and family again? I like to be hopeful. Jenna keeps telling me that she’s hopeful. So is there hope? Or should I be a realist? And will I ever be able to leap higher than three feet? I have to take a big running jump to make it that high. Sometimes I have to go from chair to table top to do it. There’s this bookcase at the bookstore that I’d like to scale.  

Tara: Sweetie, there's always hope. But I really think you hit the jackpot by adopting Jenna. Mommies, whether fur or skin, will always take care of you. You're just a'll grow into a big, strong, handsome boy and be able to leap anywhere you want to!
Tigger: Thanks so much for asking me questions. I don’t have many cats to talk to. I’ve noticed that most of our customers don’t come in with their cats. Why is that?  

Blurb: In need of a change, Jenna Hart leaves the high-pressure world of advertising to help her aunt, Vera, open a culinary bookshop and café. Back with her family in Crystal Cove, California, Jenna seems to have all the right ingredients for a fresh start—until someone adds a dash of murder. 

As a marketing expert, Jenna wants to make sure the grand opening of the Cookbook Nook draws a crowd, and no one is better at getting attention than her old college roommate, celebrity chef Desiree Divine. But when Desiree arrives in quiet Crystal Cove to do a cookbook signing, the diva stirs up more trouble than business…especially when she turns up dead.

Known for stealing husbands and burning bridges, Desiree left behind plenty of suspects—including Jenna. Though the celebrity’s life always appeared to be an open book, Jenna will have to read between the lines in order to clear her name, and catch a killer before another body is served cold.

Daryl Wood Gerber
Daryl Wood Gerber's new series, A COOKBOOK NOOK MYSTERY, will be published in 2013 by Penguin (Berkley Prime Crime). Daryl is the real name of nationally bestselling, Agatha Award-winning author Avery Aames, who writes A CHEESE SHOP MYSTERY series.

Daryl also writes short stories. Her short story, "Palace by the Lake" from Fish Tales, has been nominated for numerous awards, including Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity. You can read the story on Daryl's website: Daryl also created the format for the popular TV sit-com, "Out of this World," and she has won awards for her screenplays.

Both Avery and Daryl like to read, cook, and garden.

Avery & Daryl blog at Mystery Lovers Kitchen, -
a blog for foodies who love mysteries.

And some of their characters show up at the Killer Characters blog,

Visit Daryl at her website: and/or visit Avery at her website: to see sneak previews, book trailers, find recipes, and more.


Dru said...

Love this interview. Tigger is a cutie.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Oohhh.... cats and mysteries... MY FAVOURITE COMBINATION EVER!


PS. Please don't enter me in the contest 'cause I'm a Canadian kitty, you see. Said US only. MOUSES!

Rita Wray said...

What a cute interview, thank you.


Katreader said...

Hi Tigger! All my cats say hello and look forward to reading your adventures! I've never seen an air conditioned cage! Pretty fancy. Good for you!

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

Aww...poor Tigger...sounds like you landed on your feet though! Great interview!

katsrus said...

What a cute interview. Love the book cover. Sounds like a wonderful series.
Sue B

Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Thanks, Dru. Tigger is one of my all-time favorite characters to write.


Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Hi, Nissy, a Canadian kitty. Are you enjoying the cool weather? High paws to you.

Tigger (for my author Daryl)

Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Thanks, Ingebord. :)


Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Kat, I have to admit it was really a cool thing for Jenna to buy me. I feel totally pampered. And I love the beach!

Tigger (for Daryl)

kiki w said...

Love the interview. The cover on this book is so cute. Cozy mystery are the best.

Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Katsrus, thanks so much. I'm having such a good time writing it!


ceblain said...

I am truly looking forward to you debut of the Cookbook Nook series. I found the "interview" with Tigger just adorable. Keep up the great writing and your readers will be waiting each time for that book to be released.
Thank you for making our reading so enjoyable with your great cozies.

Michelle Fidler said...

That was cute, a cat interviewing a kitten. We do sometimes see animal interviews on mystery blogs. Sounds like a good book. I bet it has recipes. I don't need to buy cookbooks because I get recipes from magazines and mystery books, of course! I love cats.


Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

I sure did, Melissa, and wound up with a great new family. :)

Tigger (for Daryl)

Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Kiki, I'm so glad you're a fan. We love our readers!



Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Ceblain (Cynthia), thank you. I truly love writing about Tigger and his adventures...oh, wait, I mean Jenna and her adventures...with Tigger. :)


Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

Michelle, there are tons of books and magazines now that offer recipes, but I have to admit, I still buy cookbooks because there are some lovely stories in them, and the pictures are to die for!!

Keep loving those cats. They need humans. :)


My Recent Favorite Books said...

Such a cute interview! =)
Looking forward to reading this one!!

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

Wonderful interview and Tiger is cute, but Tara is still my favorite kitty.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading this series. Interview with Tigger was cute.

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

Sweet interview. Tiger is quite a boy. I love the setting of the book. The beach and a cookbook store? Perfect!

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

Opps...Tigger. Sorry boy!

Donna E said...

This is such a cute interview. I could almost see and hear Tigger as he was answering -- reminding me of my granddaughter's kitten (she has 3 felines of various ages). I'm definitely looking forward to reading this series.

Sandie said...

I'm not usually a cat person, but I loved this interview! It's a sure bet to be on top of my TBR list!

SandyG265 said...

Enjoyed the interview with Tigger.

Anneinaz said...

Cute! Sounds like a good book!

cyn209 said...

LOVE reading a new cozy series!!!
Tigger, you are TOO cute!!
thank you for the giveaway!!!

lkleback said...

Love the interview! And I'm looking forward to this book.

Sue said...

I see why Jenna thought Tigger was a keeper---I already just want to cuddle him. Great interview.

traveler said...

A wonderful interview. This book sounds special. best wishes. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Barbara T. said...

Nice to read from a different perspective. I don't enjoy an animal talking in a book, but this was cute.

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